Sunday, November 16, 2008

The oath

well i think that oath is quite a risk..especially because sex is a major thing in society. (to some ppl) well neways i think that the oath to obtain abstinence in order to end the war peacefully is really good idea but only if you have enough supporters. Lys. does a great job gaining support from women all over the courtly who would also like to see the war end peacefully where both sides leave happy. In the time frame of the book i (when i first began reading) my hypothesis was that the oath was going to be very successful because men were very indulged in sex and it was an important thing in many ppls lives. the oath was also very well thought through because of the fact that one had to think of something that really meant a lot to the men and something that would upset them after a certain amount of time. Basically this blog is saying that i think the oath is going to be successful in the end.


Batgirl-Queen of Slugheads said...

Totally. Sex is a huge part of human life- it is not only a release of tension, but also a demonstration of dominance and power. So yes, it is a risk, but in abstaining from it, they rise above animal urges.

roman said...

i thought that the oath would be successful in the end, but mostly i thought that the oath was a big risk.i though that the oath provided a good contrast in the play. i also like that you added (some pll anyway)